The academic market for lab instrumentation encompasses university research labs, core labs, non-profit research institutes, and clinical research activities performed at university hospitals. It is the single largest end market for instrument sales. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic halted many academic lab operations in 2020 due to mandatory and self-imposed shutdowns, which has resulted in a […]
As the number of coronavirus infection keeps climbing, especially in the US, there is a dire need to have a large-scale and accurate diagnostic test to prevent further spread. With the holiday season coming up, the infection rate is expected to spike as people are traveling and gathering for the holidays. Therefore, rapid and mass […]
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply chain for meat has made the headlines numerous times, as COVID-19 outbreaks at meat processing plants have intermittently disrupted food supplies. While this has caused occasional inconvenience to consumers hoping to enjoy a delicious steak for diner, many other industries that rely on animal products are […]
When it comes to the sales of laboratory instruments, there are plenty of reasons to be pessimistic about growth from the chemical industry over the next year. The current supply of commodity chemicals is exceeding demand. The diminished need for specialty chemicals continues to persist from downstream sectors, such as automotive and construction. Ongoing border […]
It’s an oft-told story that the fortune of Swedish chemist and businessman Alfred Nobel was founded on patented explosives, including dynamite. While his products were used beneficially in mining and construction applications, their wartime use in munitions gave him concern that he would be remembered solely as a ‘merchant of death’. Consequently, Nobel set aside […]
In order to cultivate cells at large volumes, bioreactors are used in order to control parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and metabolites. Bioreactors can be used to scale up cultures as seed trains or to produce large quantities of cells for biotherapeutic or vaccine production. Over the past several years, single-use bioreactors have […]
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the enzymatic method of replicating DNA sequences, is used to detect and amplify a specific DNA sequence. Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR) combines the reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) with DNA amplification using PCR. RT-PCR uses RNA as a template and starting material for nucleic acid amplification. RT-PCR is […]
Shining a Spotlight in a Challenged Market: Research Antibodies for COVID-19 Therapeutic Development
Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic thus far, much of our attention at SDi has been on technologies that have benefited in the wake of the pandemic. The few bright spots in an otherwise dismal market have been technologies used in clinical diagnostic testing for COVID-19, the illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. To […]
Consumables currently comprise a little less than one-third of the total market for laboratory instruments, and their market share will grow to a little more than one-third in just a few years. One thing to keep in mind about this gain, however, is that about half the market for these consumables is being driven by […]
Later this month, SDi will publish an ambitious new title, the SDi Global Laboratory Consumables 2020 report. Obviously, consumables play an important role in the overall laboratory tools market, and we have long tracked these products in our flagship Global Assessment Report, but it’s fair to say that the Global Assessment Report focuses more detail […]
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Europe 2021: The Market for Analytical & Life Science Instrumentation
June 14, 2021 1:52 pm
2 Billion Dollar Tools Market for Cell and Gene Therapy, Says Report
April 27, 2021 7:19 am
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About Us
Strategic Directions International (SDi), part of Science and Medicine Group, is the leading business intelligence firm in the highly specialized field of analytical and life science instruments. Its client list includes virtually every major analytical instrumentation company in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Founded in 1981, the Los Angeles-based company has published hundreds of market reports and provided proprietary consulting services for a multitude of clients.