A Survey of 253 UHPLC Users
The migration from HPLC to UHPLC continues to fuel growth in the overall HPLC market with performance and workflow/productivity enhancements driving users’ motivation. Certainly, manufacturers are making the transition for the end-user somewhat seamless, particularly with the expansion of column chemistries including the use of sub 2µ, sub 3µ and superficially porous particles (SPP)/core shell particles.
The market is at a critical point with technologies and economic factors influencing short-term and long-term purchasing decisions. Being a force in this demanding market requires constant knowledge of end-user needs, as well as the insight to perceive the actual advantages and disadvantages of particular systems and competitors.
This report provides insights into how a company and/or its products perform compared to its competitors according to the end-user. It looks at the interplay between UHPLC and UHPLC-like technologies, while also highlighting key growth sectors, purchasing patterns and various usage rates that are often used for product development and corporate planning.
+ How fast and what are the reasons for migrating to UHPLC?
+ Which column technologies (sub 2µ, sub 3µ or SPP) are chromatographers using?
+ Which brands would end-users recommend to their colleagues?
+ To what extent are the economic conditions affecting users purchasing patterns?
Information for Success
SDi’s Tactical Sales and Marketing (TSM) reports are based on end-user survey responses focused on a specific technology. They provide valuable feedback from the customer, which tells the real story of current market conditions and expectations over the next few years. Survey data is presented, analyzed, and evaluated to assist the reader in gaining a clear understanding of the implications.
SDi’s end-user survey report on Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography provides insights for all levels of management, marketing, and sales personnel. This report also explores the many requirements of each category of customer, as well as their opinions of the reputations of each supplier and product.