In our previous article, we reviewed some of the most prominent trends within the food applications industry. Our recent report, Testing Before Tasting: Analytical Instrumentation in Food Applications, delves into the market size and growth drivers as well as end-user perspectives of 135 scientists around the world that currently use analytical tools in food safety […]
One important task of science and technology is to help to ensure the security of the food supply. Food security is the availability and access to food; and advances in crop science have helped to increase yields so that the supply of food is adequate for the earth’s population. With the world population growing at […]
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Europe 2021: The Market for Analytical & Life Science Instrumentation
June 14, 2021 1:52 pm
2 Billion Dollar Tools Market for Cell and Gene Therapy, Says Report
April 27, 2021 7:19 am
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About Us
Strategic Directions International (SDi), part of Science and Medicine Group, is the leading business intelligence firm in the highly specialized field of analytical and life science instruments. Its client list includes virtually every major analytical instrumentation company in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Founded in 1981, the Los Angeles-based company has published hundreds of market reports and provided proprietary consulting services for a multitude of clients.