HPLC is one of the most powerful and versatile analytical techniques in the lab and is among the largest product segments in the global laboratory instrumentation market. HPLC instruments are sophisticated and are continually being innovated, with vendors launching advanced HPLC systems and column technologies to better satisfy modern applications. The popularity of the technique is attributable to convenient separation and analysis of almost any sample that can be dissolved. With expanding development of biotherapeutics and the rising diabetes population and growing awareness for diagnosis, demand for newer technologies has increased tremendously. This report examines current market conditions and provides five-year forecasts segmented by HPLC technology, region, and end market. This report also includes an extensive survey of laboratory personnel who utilize various HPLC techniques, in multiple regions and end markets. It features end-user perspectives on usage, applications, brand preferences and future purchase plans for HPLC instrumentation.
SDi’s HPLC 2022 Market Analysis and Perspective report provides valuable market data and insights covering eight specific HPLC techniques. This report provides estimates of total market size, five-year market forecast, and the associated CAGR from 2021-2026, with segmentation by HPLC technique, region, sector, and function. The regions include: the United States & Canada, Europe, China, Japan, India & Other Asia-Pacific, and Latin America & the Rest of the World. The 2021 market share for top suppliers in each HPLC technique is also provided.
Report Overview:
- Market demand segmented by technique, region, sector, and function, along with yearly market forecasts through 2026. The market estimates have been newly updated with 2021 as the base year and estimates are provided for the following HPLC techniques:
- General HPLC
- Micro/Cap/Nano LC
- Low-End HPLC
- Prep HPLC
- Clinical HPLC
- End-user perspective on HPLC usage, applications, brand preference, lab budgets and purchase plans, obtained through a survey of laboratory personnel in multiple regions and end markets.
- Market opportunities and threats for the HPLC markets and regional trends for the United States & Canada, Europe, China, Japan, India & Other Asia-Pacific, and Latin America & the Rest of the World.
- Vendors share of participating suppliers in each technology category in the HPLC market. Some of the top vendors in the overall market are presented below, in alphabetical order.
- Agilent
- Shimadzu
- AvantorKnauer
- Thermo Fisher
- Bio-Rad Malvern
- Panalytical
- Cytiva (Danaher)
- MilliporeSigma
- Trinity Biotech
- GL Sciences
- PerkinElmer
- Waters
- Hitachi High Technologies
- Phenomenex (Danaher)
- Honeywell
- SCIEX (Danaher)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
A. About this Report
B. Regional Segmentations
C. End Market & Sector Segmentations
D. Function & Application Segmentations
B. Executive Summary
2. Technology Overview
A. General Purpose HPLC
C. Micro/Cap/Nano LC
E. Amino Acid Analyzers
F. Prep HPLC
G. Clinical HPLC
I. Chromatography Data Systems (CDS)
J. HPLC Columns
K. HPLC Pumps
L. HPLC Detectors
3. Market Demand
A. Overall
Overall HPLC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
Overall HPLC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
Overall HPLC Installed Base, 2021
Overall HPLC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Overall HPLC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
Overall HPLC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
Overall HPLC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
Overall HPLC Vendor Share, 2021
Overall HPLC Vendor Participation, 2021
B. General HPLC
General Purpose HPLC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
General Purpose HPLC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
General Purpose HPLC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
General Purpose HPLC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
General Purpose HPLC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
General Purpose HPLC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
General Purpose HPLC Vendor Share, 2021
UHPLC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
UHPLC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
UHPLC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
UHPLC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
UHPLC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
UHPLC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
UHPLC Vendor Share, 2021
D. Micro/Cap/Nano LC
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
Micro/Cap/Nano LC Vendor Share, 2021
SEC/GPC/AAA Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
SEC/GPC/AAA Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
SEC/GPC/AAA Demand by Region, 2021-2026
SEC/GPC/AAA Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
SEC/GPC/AAA Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
SEC/GPC/AAA Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
SEC/GPC/AAA Vendor Share, 2021
F. Prep HPLC
Prep HPLC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
Prep HPLC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
Prep HPLC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Prep HPLC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
Prep HPLC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
Prep HPLC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
Prep HPLC Vendor Share, 2021
G. Clinical HPLC
Clinical HPLC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
Clinical HPLC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
Clinical HPLC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Clinical HPLC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
Clinical HPLC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
Clinical HPLC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
Clinical HPLC Vendor Share, 2021
SFC Demand by Technique, 2021-2026
SFC Demand by Product Type, 2021-2026
SFC Demand by Region, 2021-2026
SFC Demand by Lab Function, 2021-2026
SFC Demand by Sector, 2021-2026
SFC Demand by Industry, 2021-2026
SFC Vendor Share, 2021
CDS Market Annual Growth, 2021-2026
CDS Market Demand by Technique, 2021
CDS Vendor Share, 2021
J. HPLC Aftermarket
Overall HPLC Aftermarket, 2021
HPLC Aftermarket by Product Type, 2021
Aftermarket Vendor Share, 2021
HPLC Columns Vendor Share, 2021
HPLC Column Demand by Technique, 2021
HPLC Chemicals Vendor Share, 2021
HPLC Chemicals Demand by Technique, 2021
HPLC Components Vendor Share, 2021
HPLC Components Demand by Technique, 2021
K. HPLC Service
HPLC Service Annual Growth, 2021-2026
HPLC Service Demand By Technique, 2021
HPLC Service Vendor Share, 2021
4. End-User Perspective
A. Survey Demographics
B. HPLC Usage
C. Vendor Usage & Perceptions
D. HPLC Aftermarket
E. Chromatography Data Systems
F. Budget & Future Purchasing
5. Market Dynamics
A. Regional Outlook
B. Sector Outlook
6. Appendix
A. Survey Questionnaire
B. HPLC Product List
C. Recent Developments