Commercial Environmental testing labs are a major end market for scientific instrumentation, making up a significant portion of the total demand for such instruments. These labs are found all around the world and have seen particular growth in emerging economies such as China, Singapore, and other APAC countries. A growing world population and expanding industrialization has led to ever-increasing demand for these labs. Climate change resulting from rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere, plastic contaminants in water, and emissions from manufacturing are some of the many current issues that require monitoring through various environmental testing methods. The role of these labs has become important for the health and safety of every person around the world, and their findings inform local, regional, and national policy decisions as well as future planning. Due to of the variation in types of contaminants, these labs use a variety of scientific instruments to monitor and analyze a wide range of environmental pollutants.
The environmental testing lab market experienced a significant reduction in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic, as funding and economic policies shifted in response. While the effects of the pandemic are still present in many regions of the world, demand for environmental testing has seen a substantial recovery.
Market Opportunity: Commercial Environmental Testing Lab Market 2022 report provides valuable market data and insights for 7 major technology groups used by commercial environmental testing labs. The worldwide market is segmented into seven regions: the United States & Canada, Europe, China, Japan, India & Other Asia-Pacific, and Latin America & the Rest of the World. This report provides estimates on total market size, annual projected market sizes over the next five years, and the associated CAGR, from 2021-2026, for analytical and life science instruments segmented by technique, region, industry source, and application. The 2021 market share for top suppliers in each technology segment is also provided in this market brief.
Report Overview:
Market opportunities and threats for the commercial testing lab markets and regional trends for the United States & Canada, Europe, China, Japan, India & Other Asia-Pacific, and Latin America & the Rest of the World.
Market demand segmented by technique, region, and industry source, along with market forecast for the next 5 years and application size and growth trends. The market estimates have been newly updated with 2021 as the base year and estimates are provided for the following technology segments:
- Chromatography
- Mass Spectrometry
- Atomic Spectroscopy
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Materials Characterization
- Sample Preparation Techniques
- Electrochemistry
Vendor share of participating suppliers in each technology category in the commercial lab environmental testing market is also presented. Some of the top vendors in the overall market are presented below, in alphabetical order.
- Agilent
- Anton Paar
- Avantor
- Bruker
- Hach (Danaher)
- Hanna Instruments
- Hitachi
- Industrial Gas Suppliers
- Malvern Panalytical (Spectris)
- Metrohm
- Mettler Toledo
- MilliporeSigma
- PerkinElmer
- Phenomenex (Danaher)
- Restek
- Rigaku
- SCIEX (Danaher)
- SCION Instruments (Techcomp)
- Shimadzu
- TA Instruments (Waters)
- Thermo Fisher
- Waters
- Xylem
1. Introduction
A. About this Report
B. Executive Summary
C. Scope and Methodology
D. Regional Segmentations
E. Industry Source Segmentations
2. Market Insights
A. Endmarket Description
B. Market Threats and Opportunities
3. Regional Trends
A. United States & Canada
B. Europe
C. China
D. Japan
E. India & Other Asia Pacific
F. Latin America & ROW
4. Market Demand
A. Overall
Overall Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Overall Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Overall Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Overall Vendor Share, 2021
Overall Supplier Participation, 2021
B. Chromatography
Chromatography Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Chromatography Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Chromatography Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Chromatography application size and growth estimates, 2021
Chromatography Vendor Share, 2021
Chromatography Supplier Participation, 2021
C. Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Mass Spectrometry Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Mass Spectrometry Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Mass Spectrometry application size and growth estimates, 2021
Mass Spectrometry Vendor Share, 2021
Mass Spectrometry Supplier Participation, 2021
D. Atomic Spectroscopy
Atomic Spectroscopy Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Atomic Spectroscopy Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Atomic Spectroscopy Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Atomic Spectroscopy application size and growth estimates, 2021
Atomic Spectroscopy Vendor Share, 2021
Atomic Spectroscopy Supplier Participation, 2021
E. Molecular Spectroscopy
Molecular Spectroscopy Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Molecular Spectroscopy Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Molecular Spectroscopy Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Molecular Spectroscopy application size and growth estimates, 2021
Molecular Spectroscopy Vendor Share, 2021
Molecular Spectroscopy Supplier Participation, 2021
H. Materials Characterization
Materials Characterization Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Materials Characterization Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Materials Characterization Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Materials Characterization application size and growth estimates, 2021
Materials Characterization Vendor Share, 2021
Materials Characterization Supplier Participation, 2021
J. Sample Preparation Techniques
Sample Preparation Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Sample Preparation Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Sample Preparation Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Sample Preparation application size and growth estimates, 2021
Sample Preparation Vendor Share, 2021
Sample Preparation Supplier Participation, 2021
K. Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry Demand by Technology, 2021-2026
Electrochemistry Demand by Region, 2021-2026
Electrochemistry Demand by Industry Source, 2021-2026
Electrochemistry application size and growth estimates, 2021
Electrochemistry Vendor Share, 2021
Electrochemistry Supplier Participation, 2021