The Chinese market has been the fastest developing region for analytical instruments for decades, and it is still growing strong, driven by significant foreign and domestic investment and supportive government policies for both basic research and commercial enterprise in science and technology. The recent COVID-19 pandemic created a dramatic dynamic in China, since the country was the first region to be heavily affected by the virus. The government enforced strict lockdowns and travel restrictions to control the pandemic, which subsequently resulted in a drop in demand, decreased production levels, and supply chain disruptions, especially in the industrial sector. However, the policies behind this stark market contraction in the first half of 2020 paid off as China successfully controlled the pandemic, yielding a rapid economic recovery and a swift rebound in demand. The surge in COVID-19 testing and tracing, along with advanced research and vaccine development, significantly helped with the country’s recovery, which translated into a sharp increase in demand for life science products in China. This fast recovery also fostered further analytical instrument demand in other sectors. These ups and downs have been closely observed and analyzed to form market estimates and forecasts presented in this report.
China 2021: The Market for Laboratory Analytical & Life Science Instrumentation provides valuable market information and insights for ten technology segments of the analytical instrument industry specific to the Chinese market. Each technology is presented as a snapshot of current and future demand, which is segmented by technique and sector. It also explores the current state of the competitive playing field for each technology, including a list of the top vendors and their market share positions in China. Aside from market demand, this report also presents an end-user perspective segment, detailing the results of a survey of 71 respondents in China from academic and pharma/bio labs. The survey results provide various insights into budgets, spending behavior, government policies, and other macroeconomic factors in China that come into play and influence market trends.
Report Overview:
- Regional and industrial background on China.
- Technology breakdown for analytical and life science instrumentations in China. Technology categories included in this report are:
- Chromatography
- Mass Spectrometry
- Atomic Spectroscopy
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Life Science Instrumentation
- Surface Science
- Materials Characterization
- Lab Automation & Informatics
- Sample Preparation Techniques
- Lab Equipment
- Market demand segmented by technique and sector, along with market forecast for the next five years.
- Vendor share of participating suppliers in each technology category in the Chinese market. Some of the top vendors in the overall market are presented below, in alphabetical order.
- Agilent
- BD Biosciences
- Beckman Coulter
- Bio-Rad
- Bruker
- GE Healthcare/Cytiva
- Hitachi High Tech
- Illumina
- Merck/MilliporeSigma
- Mettler Toledo
- Olympus
- PerkinElmer
- Roche
- Shimadzu
- Thermo Fisher
- Waters
Table of Contents
- About this Report
- Executive Summary
- Scope of Products
- Methodology
- End Market & Sector Segmentations
Technology Overview
- Overview
- Chromatography
- Mass Spectrometry
- Atomic Spectroscopy
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Life Science Instrumentation
- Surface Science
- Materials Characterization
- Lab Automation & Informatics
- Sample Preparation Techniques
- Lab Equipment
Background on China
- Regional Background
- Industry Background
Market Demand
- Overall
- Overall Demand by Technology, 2020-2025
- Overall Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Overall Vendor Share, 2020
- Chromatography
- Chromatography Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Chromatography Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Chromatography Market Share, 2020
- Mass Spectrometry
- Mass Spectrometry Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Mass Spectrometry Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Mass Spectrometry Market Share, 2020
- Atomic Spectroscopy
- Atomic Spectroscopy Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Atomic Spectroscopy Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Atomic Spectroscopy Market Share, 2020
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Molecular Spectroscopy Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Molecular Spectroscopy Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Molecular Spectroscopy Market Share, 2020
- Life Science Instrumentation
- Life Science Instrumentation Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Life Science Instrumentation Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Life Science Instrumentation Market Share, 2020
- Surface Science
- Surface Science Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Surface Science Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Surface Science Market Share, 2020
- Materials Characterization
- Materials Characterization Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Materials Characterization Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Materials Characterization Market Share, 2020
- Lab Automation & Informatics
- Lab Automation & Software Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Lab Automation & Software Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Lab Automation & Software Market Share, 2020
- Sample Preparation Techniques
- Sample Preparation Techniques Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Sample Preparation Techniques Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Sample Preparation Techniques Market Share, 2020
- Lab Equipment
- Lab Equipment Demand by Technique, 2020-2025
- Lab Equipment Sector Segmentation, 2020-2025
- Lab Equipment Market Share, 2020
End User Perspective
- Demographics
- Instrument Usage
- Suppliers
- Lab Budget
- Market Trends
- Survey Questionnaire
- Recent Development
- Recent & Upcoming Reports